Thursday, February 28, 2008

Colors of the World

Although the same color exsist within the world we live in, it is interesting to say that each countries use different ranges and tones of color which represents their culture, character and history. For example, the range of colors in South Korea characterizes around red, blue, yellow, green, and brown. This can be seen in the ancient architectures like the South gate.

In contrary, Spain, the country itself has a general range of color that represents them also. Their traditional clothes I've seen has red, green, white and black the most. It is almost as if the colors are inspired from what they eat, like red from tomatoes, green from Jalapino pepper, white from onions and black from the beans. From here one can say that the natural resources of the country effects their preference of colors they want to use.
The colors around the country also depends on what the society within the land believes to represent . Ireland considers green as a lucky color because it was all they saw from clovers and shamrocks,and also coming from their own myth that lapricons hides gold at the end of the rainbow. Japan and China has similar beliefs on red, seeing them as royal and lucky color.
However, United States of America is a different story; because the society is made up of various cultures since the immigration, the specific culture of the continent doesn't seem to exsist. Thus, the colors is what the citizens from different countries generally agree on to. But it is not unique; the colors to us, has to be funtionable for the public.
The streets are not so much characterized with color, but it is more dull and gray.
Thus, the more a country has deep root to their own culture, the more characterized their color is.

Pictures source:
-South Gate
_Flamingo Dress

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